Our Nature: Conversations about the relationship between nature, spirituality, and well-being

EP 10: Harness Your Energy and De-stress Your Body With Qigong Facilitator Michael Ventura

Episode Notes

Michael Ventura has done it all - he’s an author of the book Applied Empathy, a podcast host, and the CEO of a highly successful branding agency. He’s also an accomplished healer, with roots in Qigong as taught to him by master Yuwen Ru, and in the Shamanic traditions of the Nahuatl Indians as shared by curandera Doña Leova. His mission is to be of service to his patients so that they can release any karmic, ancestral and personal trauma that holds them back from their essence. It was a trauma in the form of a back injury that first led Michael to Qigong in his mid-twenties and he’s been devoted to the practice ever since. In this conversation we explore how Michael found Qigong, the basics of the practice, what it means to live in harmony with nature according to Daoism, and how to experience Qigong if you’re new to the practice.


“The best practitioners really hold the space and the intention for the energy in your body to heal itself.” - Michael Ventura

“Within you, there is a capacity to heal itself and sometimes you need the safety and security to do so.” - Michael Ventura

“The subtle body and the physical body doesn’t need dogma to know how to do what it does, and if you can extract the dogma, then you get an express train to the real lessons.” - Michael Ventura

“It (Qigong) has moved from an experiment, to a nice to do, to a must-do, to a do.” - Michael Ventura


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  1. What is the animal, mineral or plant that resonates with you the most?
    A crow.

  2. What is one thing we can do right now to connect with the natural world and bring more harmony into our lives?
    Take your shoes off and stand on the earth.

  3. What’s the greatest lesson nature has taught you?
    Patience. I think that it [nature] is a great teacher in that everything opens and grows and blooms in its own time and you cannot force a tree to bloom and a flower to blossom, they have to do it themselves.”

  4. Nature brings me…