Our Nature: Conversations about the relationship between nature, spirituality, and well-being

EP 02: A Path To Deeper Consciousness With Rastafari Anthony Bailey

Episode Summary

Episode Notes

Weed. Marijuana. Ganja. Cannabis. This substance is the topic of the moment. Wrapped around this herb are issues of race, culture, politics, human rights, our relationship to the natural world and our well being. People use marijuana for a variety of reasons - to relax, to focus, to spark creativity, to relieve pain, to mellow out, to check out. But what if marijuana could be a vehicle for a deeper connection, meaningful conversation, even spirituality? In today’s episode, Rastafarian and former co-worker of mine, Anthony Bailey, explains how weed or “herb” is used in Rastafari. Anthony is an entrepreneur and a practicing Rastafarian. He smokes weed every day, but not for the reasons you may think. In this episode, he shares his extensive knowledge of the origins and practices of the Rastafari religion and movement. At its core, Rastafari emphasizes living naturally as a means to understand one’s self, and there is so much we can learn from this perspective. I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I did having it.


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  1. What is your favorite place in nature?
    Where the sand meets the waves at the beach.
  2. What is the animal, mineral or plant that resonates with you the most?
    Mint tea or herbs that I can make tea from.
  3. What is one thing we can do right now to connect with the natural world and bring more harmony into our lives?
    Be open about communication.
  4. What’s the greatest lesson nature has taught you?
    Patience. As much as we want something, it’s not going to come when we want it.
  5. Nature brings me…
    To one’s self.